About Us


Townsville Orchid Society was formed to:

  • promote good fellowship and advance the knowledge of all that pertains to orchids, particularly their natural history, cultivation and hybridisation,
  • disseminate such knowledge amongst members and any other interested person,
  • assist as far as possible in preventing vandalism, theft or the destruction of orchids in their natural environment.

Townsville Orchid Society caters for the needs of both the beginner and advanced grower. Beginners are especially catered for.


Anyone interested in growing orchids is encouraged to attend our meetings:

Monthly General Meeting:

Held on the fourth Sunday of each month (except December), starting at 1pm (followed by the Novice/New Growers meeting - see below), at our hall, situated at Joe Kirwan Park, Charles Street, Kirwan (between Bamford Lane and Thuringowa Drive).

Society members display their flowering orchids for bench judging (commencing 12:45 pm).

Novice/New Growers Meeting:

These popular gatherings are held at our hall during the afternoon of the fourth Sunday of each month (except December), after the short General Meeting which starts at 1pm.

Members of the Society who are part of our Novice Group or visitors new to growing orchids display their flowering orchids for a "Popular Choice" award. Experienced growers are on hand to answer questions from beginner growers and display their own orchids for the education of all.

Practical 'hands on' sessions are held to enable successful orchid growth and flowering.

Interesting talks are given on orchid culture and the combatting of pests and diseases.

In plant competitions, beginners compete with others of a similar standard as themselves.


Visits to various orchid collections are held at frequent intervals. These are excellent opportunities for beginners to see in practice the fundamentals of good orchid culture.

Every member also receives a monthly newsletter packed with Orchid information and the latest news from the Society. Please read our previous Newsletters.


We regret that our Hall is now not available for hire.